Amazon’s Kindle Quality Notice Update

Amazon’s Kindle Quality Notice Update


Amazon’s Kindle Quality Notice
Copyright (c) Richard Verry 2017-2020

I’ve published a second edition of ‘The Trafficking Consortium,’ fully revised and edited, along with a bonus of new material for my reader’s enjoyment. Thank you to everyone for your patience while I set aside my other responsibilities to take care of dealing with Amazon’s Kindle Quality Notice. Not only did Amazon approve my #kindle version of the book, but they did the same for the paperback version. Read #TheTraffickingConsortium today, knowing you are getting some of my best work.

To catch you up

If you read my last couple of posts, you know I received notice from Amazon of defects in my book, ‘The Trafficking Consortium.’ The news shocked me initially, but then as I reviewed the reported flaws in the story, I realized, whoever wrote them, was spot-on correct. They were apparent, and between my editor and I, we should have found them four years ago before I published the book. more “Amazon’s Kindle Quality Notice Update”

Kindle Quality Notice

Kindle Quality Notice

The Trafficking Consortium Front Book Cover
Copyright (c) Richard Verry, 2017

I received a Kindle Quality Notice from #ebook-quality at Amazon the other day. Boy, was I surprised. It was for my book, The Trafficking Consortium. Published three years ago, it is one of my best sellers. From the feedback I’ve received over the years, people love the story, even if they cringe at the plotline. No one, and I mean no one, said anything about what Amazon just said.

They documented twenty deficiencies in the book. After three years and hundreds of sales, the notice surprised me. They told me that the book was at risk of being pulled. more “Kindle Quality Notice”

Emma Peel, My Second Love

Emma Peel, My Second Love

In the British show ‘The Avengers’ of the 1960s, Mrs. Emma Peel #EmmaPeel, played by Diana Rigg #DianaRigg, passed away this past week. While Morticia Addams was my very first love, Emma Peel was undoubtedly my second. Of course, I was barely over ten years old, but I appreciated the woman’s beauty even then. I eagerly looked forward to the next episode, just so that I could watch her flit about England, leading the charge to save her country and countrymen from one crisis after another.

When I heard the news of Diana’s passing, I immediately thought back to those days when I’d faithfully watch the show. I watched every episode I could. Maybe it was this series that ultimately left me enjoying British dramas, and especially crime and intrigue dramas to this day, all these decades later. more “Emma Peel, My Second Love”


Thrown for a Loop

What a month and thrown for a loop. My newly acquired partial blindness in my left eye threw me for another loop this past month. Yes, I have trouble seeing much in that eye, and the conflicting signals between my right and left eye confuse my brain. The result? It has to work in ways it never has, elevating headaches and fatigue. I’ve also suffered from severe fatigue by getting less than five hours a night for a month straight. At least with sleep, I’m improving, now getting a minimum of seven hours of restful sleep a night.

Blindness thrown for a loopBut that’s not the loop I referred to in the opening line. Nope, not at all. Since last May when I suffered my #CRAO, I’ve been telling my doctors my eye was sore all the time. They noted it in my assessment and moved on to more pressing issues. Over the last month, the soreness continued to get worse. Last week, it opened the turbocharger and knocked me for a loop. Now my eye was visibly red, my eyelid partially closed, and I felt outright pain. WTF? more “Loop”


I want to let you know that due to a sudden blindness in my left eye I spent a night in the hospital between April 30th and May 1st.

Blindness from CARO
Central Retinal Arterial Occlusion

Originally, they diagnosed me with #CRAO or Central Retinal Arterial Occlusion. Essentially, a stroke in the eye. That scared me. They checked me in as a precaution and tons of tests, but fortunately, they found nothing. The picture is not of my eye, but it clearly shows the problem.

After several tests done over the subsequent month, the likely cause is an old infection from a single cell parasite (#Toxoplasmosis) that once found a home in my eye. It’s detectable from the antibodies my body produced to fight the infection. more “Blindness”

Pandemic and the Purge Plague

Parallels of Covid-19 and the Purge Plague

The parallels of the Covid-19 Pandemic and the Purge Plague are eerily similar. Granted, the Purge Plague is a fictional pandemic, conceptualized in my Mona Bendarova novels. The Purge Plague marked the beginning of the societal changes that shaped Mona’s community in ‘The Taste of Honey’ series. The Purge Plague was an unstoppable pandemic that ended up killing everyone and everything. Mother Nature corrected the imbalance we placed upon her.

more “Pandemic and the Purge Plague”

Jigsaw Puzzles-part 3

Jigsaw Puzzles-part 3

April 13, 2020

It’s been a while since I last posted a note about my obsession with solving jigsaw puzzles. I’m not so sure it’s an obsession. Obsessions are compulsions, mania, and preoccupations. I’m not thinking of any of these things.

It also means desire, fascination, enthusiasm, and passion. Those, I definitely am. Overall, I am fascinated by solving these jigsaw puzzles. more “Jigsaw Puzzles-part 3”

Angry Bitch Is Out

Angry Bitch

Yeah, that’s right. I published my eleventh novel, ‘Angry Bitch‘ over the weekend. Woo- hoo! It’s available now on Amazon for your Kindle, Kindle Reader, and in paperback. Oh, did I mention that you can read it for free on Kindle Unlimited? You can and you should. Be sure to check it out and let me know what you think.

I’m relieved that’s done, however, whenever is the work ever done?

Now I can get back to Avril’s story. I left her hanging around with a noose tightening around her neck as she tries to figure out how to escape the clutches of the Consortium, or die trying.

Besides Avril and Mona, I have a couple more projects in the works, and ideas and notes for dozens more. There’s so much to do. I wish I could do them all, but I know I can’t. There’s not enough time in a day to get it done before another idea pops into my head. That doesn’t stop me from trying.

Angry Bitch

Angry Bitch 3D book coverIn the fourth installment of Mona’s story, called Angry Bitch, Mona comes into her own, as a Mistress of a House, and a peer within the Community dominated by males.

Not everyone is happy about Mona as a Mistress of a House and a peer of a Community dominated by men. Mona must fight to keep her more “Angry Bitch Is Out”

Reading while Homebound

Reading while Homebound

I’m stuck home because of the onset of the world-wide Coronavirus Pandemic, so reading while homebound is now something I can do. I noticed lately that people reading my books are up. So what can I do? I can help other authors and read a good book. I have a whole stack of them on my bedside table, which I have to dust off whenever I clean house. more “Reading while Homebound”

The Taste of Honey

Taste of Honey

Second Edition

Yesterday, I published the revised edition of ‘The Taste of Honey.’ I love this new version. I completely rewrote it from the ground up. It’s the same story but revised and updated to fall in line with the later books in the series.

Why might you ask? more “The Taste of Honey”