I finished Book 8 draft of the Consortium series

Finished Book 8 draft

Well, well, good news; I finished Book 8 draft of the Consortium series. Yes, the first draft is done. Now it is time to edit. I know it took a long time. Honestly, it took longer than I expected. I struggled with the last 25% of the book. I knew how I wanted to end it, but getting there was more difficult than I expected. But I got there. Whew!

Rewrite edit rewrite.  Finished Book 8 draft
Photo by Suzy Hazelwood on Pexels.com

While I finished book 8 draft, there is much more work to do. I even struggled with the book’s title. I considered several options, but I liked none of them. So, I went to the Internet. Nope, I still didn’t find one. Then, I went to my trusty thesaurus. I believe I have found the perfect title, ‘Counterblow.’

Def: Counterblow – a blow given in return or retaliation, as in boxing.

This seems the perfect title, although I plan on a first edit of the book before deciding. After that, I’ll turn it over to others for further editing. From the title, you can guess that the story is one counterblow after another throughout. In the end, I love how it all came together. I’m feeling uplifted and eager to get it to you.

I’d love it if you had any other suggestions.

more “I finished Book 8 draft of the Consortium series”

The Trafficking Consortium, third edition

The Trafficking Consortium, third edition

The Trafficking Consortium, third edition

I’m especially proud of The Trafficking Consortium, third edition. I ran into an issue with writing the last couple of chapters of book 8. I know how I want to end it, yet I didn’t know how to transition from story to it. So, I took a break. What did I do? I wanted to issue an audiobook version of the first book in the Consortium series.

That led to a rewrite of the entire book, a dozen or more edits using several sources, and perhaps five walk throughs of the audiobook. And before any of you ask, I have several people reading and editing it, just in case something got missed. I wanted to get the cadence just right, and it provided me an opportunity to delve deeper into the mindsets of the characters. Overall, it’s the same story. And as you can see, while I was at it, I gave it a new book cover. Frankly, I was bored with the original one.

more “The Trafficking Consortium, third edition”

Writing Projects for 2025 in the works

Here is a list of my writing projects for 2025, in the coming year. Since so many of you have asked me questions about my stories and their status, I compiled this list as I was drifting in and out of sleep in the wee hours of this morning.

  1. Finish, edit, and publish Consortium Book 8, yet unnamed.
  2. Finish edit of Consortium book 1 ‘The Trafficking Consortium’ for audio books.
    • Yes, I’m writing Book 8 and working on this concurrently. I can’t help it. When I started this, I thought it would be quick and dirty. I surprised myself. This is a romantic story mixed with abuse and erotica from Avril’s POV. She’s the main character that permeates the entire series.
    • What surprised me the most, I wrote the story from her point of view. I had forgotten that. I err’d when I thought it was a mix between Sir’s and Avril’s POV. Wrong, although I’m sure I will discover it more of a mix in the later stories.
    • As I work on this version, I decided to publish it as a new edition. I added so much to the story, delving deeper into Avril’s state-of-mind, and her responses to new experiences and conflicts. Don’t worry, the overall story remains the same. I learned a lot about writing over the years since I first started, and this is a perfect opportunity to integrate that new knowledge into my stories.
  3. Work with a video content creator to create book trailers to market my books.
  4. Write Consortium Origin 2.
    • outlined and ready to put manuscript pen to paper, or rather type to document.
  5. Edit Consortium books 2-7 for audio books
  6. Edit Mona Bendarova books 1-4 for audiobooks,
    • (I can’t start book 5 until I read Mona 1-4, might as well edit too.)
  7. Write Mona books 5 & 6 (I may close out the series? It depends.)
  8. Write Consortium Origin 3, outline is already in development.
  9. Start writing Consortium book 9. Yes, there will be another one.

God, I hope I don’t add to this list. Who knows, my mind goes where it wants when it comes to my writing.

more “Writing Projects for 2025 in the works”

Consortium Book 8 Progress

I’ve given a lot of thought to updating you on my Consortium Book 8 Progress. Being honest, I don’t really know what to tell you. I’ve written a lot, continuing the story line and adding more twists and turns.

Two days ago, I realized I had left open a couple of subplots that needing followup. With thirty-seven chapters and 80% of the book written, I felt stymied. Where to insert additionally chapters in the book without disturbing the continuity of the story line so far written. I was at a loss.

more “Consortium Book 8 Progress”

Merry Christmas 2024

I wish you all had a Merry Christmas 2024 and a happy holiday season, including those celebrating Hanukkah and other festivities.

AI Generated Image

As much as I like the holiday season, I’m glad the worst of it is over. For me, it’s a stressful time of year, a stress that starts with the day after Halloween. Even though there is that, it all comes together in the end, with warm tidings spent with family and friends. I celebrate it with the secular aspect, even believing in the spirit of the season and Santa too.

I hope you had/have the same. Merry Christmas 2024 everyone.

Winter Solstice 2024

Another Winter Solstice is upon us.

Winter Solstice, hazy sun on snow covered landscape
Winter Solstice, AI generated image

Ever since I was a kid, I always looked forward to the two Solstices and Equinoxes each year. I don’t know why, but somehow, I felt it was important to recognize these important times in the Earth’s lifecycle.

I think it all started when I first learned of the existence of Stonehenge in England. It fascinated me on how and why it was built, and how the positioning of the stones where related to the Earth’s rotation around the Sun. Or, it might have been something else. Who cares? I still track each of them each year.

Today, I know a little more, and admittedly, still not enough. I know that various civilizations across the millennia found them special, celebrating the events every year. What I know is that I am eager to learn more. Again, I don’t know why. I just am.

If you are into celebrating the Winter Solstice, today’s the day. Happy Solstice. Enjoy!

Archway Publishing

Archway Publishing
more “Archway Publishing”

Why Read Shadowed Inheritance

Why Read Shadowed Inheritance

A Consortium Origins Tale, Book 1

Why read Shadowed Inheritance? Searching various online book review sites, a reader found the following:

Why Read Shadowed Inheritance

“Shadowed Inheritance” by Richard Verry is a compelling prequel in the Consortium series. This dark suspense novel delves into the lives of its future leaders. Raised in a household where their parents groom the siblings to take over a sinister organization known as the Consortium. Raven’s perspective drives the story as she grows from a young girl to a young adult, preparing with her brother to lead a dangerous group.

There are other reviews and commentaries that I will share in the coming weeks. Go ahead. Read “Shadowed Inheritance?”

Where to get the book.

The eBook (Kindle) and Audiobook versions are live on Amazon. The paperback version will be out in a couple of weeks while I await and approve the proof.

The eBook and audio book are also available on Draft2Digital, Apple Books, Barnes & Nobel, Google Books and Google Play Books, Kobo, and a dozen other electronic booksellers.

I’m excited about this book. It’s a prequel story of the Consortium Series.

Read Shadowed Inheritance today! After you do, please it a review, even if it’s only stars. Thank you.

more “Why Read Shadowed Inheritance”

Retaliation: A Hunger for Vengeance

Retaliation: A Hunger for Vengeance

I am pleased to announce, Book 7 in the Consortium Series – Retaliation: A Hunger for Vengeance was released October 29, 2024; two days early.

This book serves up a delicious treat for you. Mostly, it’s written from Raven’s point of view, and you know how she is. She’s got a hunger for cruel and unusual punishment.

Who will prevail in the global struggle for dominance, the wolves, or the sheep? Is the Consortium about to fall? Will Raven’s thirst for revenge and blood, or Sir’s drive to rebuild what was lost, secure the future of the Consortium? Who will prevail in the battle between the Consortium and the rest of the world?

Retaliation‘ is a gripping thriller with a twisted, complex plot and memorable characters that will hold your attention. It will leave your stomach churning, almost enough to put the book down.

But don’t. You won’t want to miss the rest, which will tantalize and torment, tease, and gnaw at your gut.

This book serves up a delicious treat for you to keep your taste buds salivating. Written mostly from Raven’s point of view, and you know how she is. She’s got a hunger for cruel and unusual punishment.

Available now, Read it today

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Book 7 in the Consortium Series – Retaliation

Book 7 in the Consortium Series – Retaliation

Book 7 in the Consortium Series - Retaliation book cover.

I am pleased to announce, Book 7 in the Consortium Series – Retaliation is coming out soon. I finished the first draft a couple of months ago, and it passed two edits, with changes, of course. It’s now being read by beta readers looking for any final edits. A week or two after that, it will be ready for publishing.

Keep your taste buds salivating. This book serves up a delicious treat for you. For the most part, it’s written from Raven’s point of view, and you know how she is. She’s got a hunger for cruel and unusual punishment.

Come back soon. It will soon have its own web page on my site, just as soon as I create it. 😏