I finished Infiltration, Consortium Book 4

I finished Infiltration

It’s official. I finished Infiltration, book 4 in my Consortium Series last week. I think the draft turned out pretty well. It’s now in editing. I’ll talk more about that and more later in this blog. I know many of you are anxiously waiting for it. I get it. Avril is in a deep world of trouble, and despite her secret plans, no one knows whether she can extricate herself from the clutches of the cabal known as The Consortium.

From its name, I think anyone who’s read my earlier books, I think you can tell the overall theme of this segment in Avril’s life. It took me about eight months to write, which is longer than I had hoped. However, I like the way it turned out, and now, it’s on to editing, cover creation, and a host of other details that need to managing before publication.

The book includes the nastier side of the #Consortium and a building softness between Sir and his captured prey, Avril. There’s plenty of sex also, as if you hadn’t guessed. The story again takes some surprising twists as Avril achieves another goal of her plan to escape from the Consortium. However, escaping from Sir is another problem. She’s starting to second guess that aspect from getting out from under the organization’s clutches he is a big part of and is unlikely to give it up.

Editing Infiltration

It will take at least another four to six weeks to get #Infiltration through the various stages of editing and responding to my beta readers’ comments and questions. I also have decided on the book cover photo, so all that is left to create are the book cover and promotional blurbs. Once it makes it out of editing, I will put it all together and publish it a couple of days later.

I’ll be sure to let everyone know when that happens. After that, it’s crossing my fingers, and hoping you will all like it.

I plan to get started right away on the next, and possibly final, chapter in the Consortium Series. I say a possible last book in the series, as these stories tend to go where they want as I write them. During that phase, I get so deep into the characters that subplot after subplot arises, making me smile with glee at the possibilities. We’ll see. That’s all I can say. Plus, at a recent book club meeting I attended as the guest author, someone asked a question that gave me pause to consider a follow-up series based upon these books. It’ll be interesting to see if I can pull it all together.

Thank you, my friends and readers, for supporting me, reading my stories, and sending me note after note. I look forward to keeping you all tucked into your sofas, reading my stories, and biting your knuckles, glad that you aren’t one of my characters.

Happy New Year, and keep checking back.

For more information on this series, check out this webpage.

To read the series now, you can read it here.


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