Who is Lee Marks?

Lee Marks is also a master of his own estate. In a feudal like community of large, sprawling estates, he oversees an average estate of sows and bitches, much smaller than the Bendarova estate.

Honey and Kristin have been his favorite bed-mates for the past year. He tends to supplement his favorites in bed with a regular rotation of several others from his stables. It is not unusual that he retires with three or more from his household at night. Frankly, he enjoys the competition from his bed-mates as they attempt to out do each other in pleasing him.

A younger man, he has still managed to make an impression upon the rest of the community.  He has the distinct honor of being the youngest ever to have an executive seat on the council at Club Lothario. The pressure to do well is overwhelming at times yet he seems to be capable of handling the stress of the position.

He meets his obligations to the community. He supplies his quota of fresh meat and makes his rounds of the breeding centers as per custom within the community. He also enjoys spirited competition at the auctions, games and celebrations. He is an avid fan of the monthly barbecue roasts held at the Club.

He is generous in his sponsorship of the community celebrations. His constant variety of different entertainment segments are always a hit with the community members. There is never a shortage of food, beverage or attendants to offer the celebrants. It is not unheard of that celebrations last well into the next day when he sponsors them.

His passion though, is hunting. He has become a fervent hunter and has several times taken home the top prize. As Master of his own house, he proudly mounts and displays his trophies in his trophy room. He likes to share the display to his guests but rarely gloats over his accomplishments. He is mindful of comparing his wins against theirs. To other hunters around the community, he is the hunter to beat.

If you are curious and want to learn more about Lee, I invite you to read the book, ‘The Taste of Honey’. I look forward to reading your comments.

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