I finished Book 8 draft of the Consortium series

Finished Book 8 draft

Well, well, good news; I finished Book 8 draft of the Consortium series. Yes, the first draft is done. Now it is time to edit. I know it took a long time. Honestly, it took longer than I expected. I struggled with the last 25% of the book. I knew how I wanted to end it, but getting there was more difficult than I expected. But I got there. Whew!

Rewrite edit rewrite.  Finished Book 8 draft
Photo by Suzy Hazelwood on Pexels.com

While I finished book 8 draft, there is much more work to do. I even struggled with the book’s title. I considered several options, but I liked none of them. So, I went to the Internet. Nope, I still didn’t find one. Then, I went to my trusty thesaurus. I believe I have found the perfect title, ‘Counterblow.’

Def: Counterblow – a blow given in return or retaliation, as in boxing.

This seems the perfect title, although I plan on a first edit of the book before deciding. After that, I’ll turn it over to others for further editing. From the title, you can guess that the story is one counterblow after another throughout. In the end, I love how it all came together. I’m feeling uplifted and eager to get it to you.

I’d love it if you had any other suggestions.

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