Yeah, that’s right. I published my eleventh novel, ‘Angry Bitch‘ over the weekend. Woo- hoo! It’s available now on Amazon for your Kindle, Kindle Reader, and in paperback. Oh, did I mention that you can read it for free on Kindle Unlimited? You can and you should. Be sure to check it out and let me know what you think.
I’m relieved that’s done, however, whenever is the work ever done?
Now I can get back to Avril’s story. I left her hanging around with a noose tightening around her neck as she tries to figure out how to escape the clutches of the Consortium, or die trying.
Besides Avril and Mona, I have a couple more projects in the works, and ideas and notes for dozens more. There’s so much to do. I wish I could do them all, but I know I can’t. There’s not enough time in a day to get it done before another idea pops into my head. That doesn’t stop me from trying.
Angry Bitch
In the fourth installment of Mona’s story, called Angry Bitch, Mona comes into her own, as a Mistress of a House, and a peer within the Community dominated by males.
Not everyone is happy about Mona as a Mistress of a House and a peer of a Community dominated by men. Mona must fight to keep her more “Angry Bitch Is Out”…
To all my fans and readers of my books, Happy New Year 2020. I hope it is a good one for you and yours.
Do you make New Year’s Resolutions? I’d love to know what they are. As for me, I don’t. There’s so much I want to do, I can’t prioritize them into a resolution.more “Happy New Year 2020”…
Yes, that’s right. I released my latest novel, ‘Lucky Bitch’ over the weekend. Lucky Bitch is out. Woo- hoo! You should start seeing it in your favorite book reseller sight in short order. Be sure to check it out.
I’m relieved that’s done. But, whenever is the work ever done?
No, I have three more projects in the works right now. There’s so much to do. I wish I could do it all in short order, but I can’t. That doesn’t stop me from trying. I was even writing during the sports match last night that kept me up late.more “Lucky Bitch Is Out”…
At long last, I’m about to publish my latest novel in the Mona Bendarova Series, called ‘Lucky Bitch.’ Here is the long-awaited Lucky Bitch Cover Reveal. That’s right. Book 3 in the Mona Bendarova Series will be out soon, as early as next week. I’m so looking forward to getting it done. I have too many projects in the works.
Book 4 in the series, titled ‘Angry Bitch,’ will follow suit in about four weeks. I might get it sooner, but with the holidays upon us, that will be a tough sell. Fans of the series will have to wait with bated breath. It won’t be long, you’ve all waited too long as it is.
Before I get into what I mean about a fresh new look, let me tell you about what I am up too. It’s been almost two months since I last wrote. Ouch! Yes, I know. I’m neglecting you, my fans and readers. Will you accept my apologies? Not that I am making excuses because I am not. I do have an explanation.
After I released my last book, ‘UnderCurrents,’ I looked at all of my projects in the works, and especially the books I wrote just before my head injury. While I wrote several chapters for the next book in the Consortium series, I knew that I wasn’t doing Mona any justice. Mona is the main character in the Mona Bendarova Series and the languishing Books 3 and 4. more “A Fresh New Look”…
This morning, as I sat at my desk wondering what to write to you about, I struggled. With what you ask? Good question.
I keep looking to resume my Word of the Day takes and yet, every time I start, I put it away and do something else. I enjoyed doing them. It’s true. I’m also bored with doing them. Well, not so much bored but undriven.
I started them as a way of consistently putting out content in a time when my web host and another vendor struggled to correctly publicize my posts. If they failed to be forwarded to my social sites and email subscribers, then so what. I could always repost it easily enough, or just move on. The thing is, I didn’t what my regular posts disappearing and short changing you, my audience.
The problem went on for months, and if you are a regular reader of this blog, you know the background. They say they fixed the problem, but I am not entirely convinced. Yet, the only way to test it from my end is to … drum roll, please … post articles.
What I’m struggling with right now is that I have a dilemma. I have a desire to start a new novel, now that The Trafficking Consortium is finished. I have several ideas cooking in my brain which I’m excited about and would like to get started. On the other hand, I could finish up Lucky Bitch which only needs a chapter or two before I send it out for editing. While I like writing to you in my posts, I enjoy writing my stories so much more. The writers and artists out there know just what I mean.
Part of the problem with Lucky Bitch is that I am losing interest in the series. I had originally planned at least five books in the series. However, if I abandon the overall storyline established in Broken Steele, many questions and mysteries will be left unanswered and unsolved. If I stop now, I can use the end of Lucky Bitch to respond to the unresolved issues.
Don’t get me wrong. I love the characters as they live their lives within their community. Let’s look at it this way. They live in a world where recreational sex is the norm. Not just enjoying sex in bed but also in public, on the streets, at the club, and during office meetings. There are no issues of unexpected pregnancies, disease, or maladies from enjoying sexual relations. There are no social norms or moralities that interfere with the practice. On the contrary. To them, it is inconceivable to think of a monogamous relationship such what our society is based upon.
It’s every adult of both sexes dream. They recharge their batteries by sharing orgasms on a regular basis and among various partners. As a result, they never get bored, and they spread their DNA around a large pool, preventing issues from inbreeding. Damn, can I guy a ticket on that train, please?
Still, the storyline is getting convoluted, and I’m not sure I want to figure it out. I am thinking of scraping the drafts of Lucky Bitch and starting over. Would that be so bad?
The problem? What to do about the Bloodline, which somehow became an integral part of the main character, Mona in her world in Book 2, Broken Steele. I need to resolve it or find a way to kill it off completely.
Part of me wants to do the later which will allow me to write new stories for Mona and her friends that standalone from novel to novel. I had originally wanted to do that, but somehow, I got excited by creating an even bigger conflict that would affect the entire community.
I have to give it more thought. Any ideas from you reading this article would be greatly appreciated.
So, it’s back to writing and living. And damn, it’s 8 degrees F (or -13 C) out there and very windy. Brrr, it’s cold out there and the prospect of going out and getting the paper is daunting. Bundle up!
Hey love, be a dear, and put on a pot of coffee, please?
I know lately, all you have heard from me are my ‘Word of the Day’ posts. I didn’t mean for this to go on so long, my not sharing with you what is going on.
These last many months have been very strange for me. As you may recall, or not and that’s okay too, I suffered a severe concussion at work. That was in mid-July, and I’ve been out of work since then, as I’m still dealing with the after-effects. Now, mostly it’s the headaches and occasional short-term memory issue.
Then, in mid-August, my website began running into problems, which are still going today. It’s mid-November, and the vendor involved still hasn’t fixed it.
Apparently, I’m not alone with this problem, but I still had to involve my web hosting company and spend hundreds of hours on triaging the problem. Eventually, the company relented and reported that their email administrators had discovered a ‘race’ condition between their mail servers which affected me. I think that the servers are either overloaded or undersized. My tests seem to support that my posts that go out late in the day have a better chance of being delivered to my email subscribers than those that go out earlier in the day. That’s right. Not everyone is getting their mail sent to them. I received this note from them early this morning.
“I’ve let our developers know about this so they can investigate further.”
It’s the same problem that surfaced back in August, and they’re still dicking around with investigating the problem?
Another consequence of my concussion was that for a long time, I was unable to use my computers. Looking at the screen gave me severe headaches. While the headaches remain, I can now look at computer screens without making them worse.
I also suffered from cognitive thinking and short-term memory issues. What really disturbed me was that my continuous stream of creative thinking that was a part of my entire life … disappeared. For months, the imagery that was so much a part of me was gone. I felt like I lost a lover, a friend, a companion, and … well … me.
I tried to encourage its return by editing my first draft of ‘Lucky Bitch’, the third book in my Mona Bendarova Series. That went okay for a while until I discovered that I had to rewrite the ending. I noticed that I had written much of the material included in the last couple of chapters in the first third of the book. What the fuck? I reached out to my beta readers asking for some help, which they graciously gave. However, without a creative stream of thoughts, I couldn’t rewrite the ending, so I put it aside for the time being. Shit. It’s going to be a full year since I published the second book in the series, ‘Broken Steele’. Shit, but I know that there is nothing I can do about it.
So, I kept working on restarting my creative stream. I’m happy to say, about three weeks ago, the creative stream suddenly flared back with a passion. In an instant, a fully formed idea for a new novel, from start to finish, flashed into my mind, demanding release.
Since then, I have been writing up a storm. I’m consumed with trying to get the novel out of my soul and down in print. Every day since late October, I write. Sometimes, only a few thousands of words get written down but often, I get ten thousand or more out. I’ve haven’t checked recently, but I think I’m over 100k words right now and still going.
It’s wonderful to have the stream back. My live-in girlfriend is at times upset with me as I bury myself in my office and write. In the afternoons and evenings, I’ll sit with her. She controls the TV remote while I pick up my laptop and write. She understands but still feels ignored. It’s a delicate balance but the consuming need to express myself outweighs the need to help her feel comfortable. Later that evening, I will put the laptop down and fully dedicate my time to her.
So, I hope to have this new novel out by the end of the year, but we’ll see. It will need severe editing, as I don’t trust my mind right now to keep all of the characters and timings straight. Automatic spell and grammar checking are fantastic, but there are many things they cannot catch.
One thing I have noticed as I write, sometimes I’ll think of a word I intend to write only to look up at the screen and see an entirely different word. Huh? How did I think ‘dog’ and write ‘dolphin’ or ‘plane?’ Yes, it happens, and I can’t seem to correct it. Perhaps my physical therapy which starts next week will help with that. Frankly, I think just writing will ultimately solve that. I just hope that I don’t pass on an incongruous thought to you in my writing. And if I do, I trust that you’ll forgive me.
I had fun looking for images related to my issues. I hope you like the ones I chose, as well as the sexy bonus pic you will get if you share this post via Twitter.
Right now, I need to get back to my novel. Parts of it are still up there in that noggin of mine, demanding a release from its captivity inside my skull. You’ll forgive me if I stop now and return to my novel.
This is Richard Verry, writing to you from my home office. Thanks for caring. I appreciate all of the kind words people have sent to me over these past several months.
It’s been awhile since I wrote. I trust you don’t mind. I do hope you missed me. I originally posted this earlier in the week only to discover that while it publicized to my social media sites, my blog subscribers did not receive it. Here’s hoping it’s been resolved.
The after effects of my concussion limit my screen time, and what’s worse, my creative thinking is at an all time low. Frankly, it sucks. I worry that it won’t return soon.
Will this headache ever go away?
In looking at my notes for story lines etc., I know that I had a good fix on the story line for each of my notes. Now, when I review them, it’s not so clear. It’s scary; that’s what it is.
Instead, I decided to focus my energies on editing the first draft of my latest book, ‘Lucky Bitch.’ Easy enough. I am managing to get through maybe two chapters a day before I have to stop and rest for several hours. That equates to one hour of screen time for every five or so hours of rest. It’s barely enough to get through the day. Even so, I have to take frequent breaks during my screen time to get anything done. Nerve racking, to say the least.
Back to editing. I use the tools I have available to me, read the book, chapter by chapter, fix the grammar, pay attention to the plot lines, verify the continuity of the story and so forth. All well and good. Right?
Okay, so I get to the second to last chapter, and I realize that I have to rewrite the entire section. WTF? The subject outline of the chapter is all wrong. I covered that plot line in Chapter 19, one-third of the way into the book. Oh, shit! What the hell am I going to do now? My creative thought processes are worthless at the moment. I have no doubt that they will return but honestly, when?
Doc told me on Monday that I may be suffering the after effects of this concussion for the next two years. TWO YEARS? Oh, my fricking lord. That, after getting a pair of nerve block injections in the back of my neck in an attempt to stop the headache. So far, I’m on my third day and the headache, while diminished, remains constant.
As I review what I am going to do, I’ve decided this much. I will print out the two chapters and hand them out to my beta readers. I’m going to let them tell me which version they like better. Once done, I’ll incorporate the winner into Chapter 19.
In the meantime, what to do with Chapter 43, the second to last chapter of the book. Chapter 43 is intended as a vehicle to get the main character, Mona, away from home for the day, and acts as a setup for the closing chapter, crucial to the book.
So, that’s where I am. I’m jotting down notes as they come to me. Frankly, they’re not worth much at this point. Maybe I’ll stumble onto something. Either way, it may help in the recovery of my creative thought processes. Damn, I never thought I would miss not having them.
So, until next time, this is Richard Verry, Writer signing off and crossing my fingers to get back to where I need to be. Fans, I love you all. Thanks for your patience.
It’s been awhile since I wrote. I trust you don’t mind. I do hope you missed me.
The after effects of my concussion limit my screen time, and what’s worse, my creative thinking is at an all time low. Frankly, it sucks. I worry that it won’t return soon.
Will this headache ever go away?
In looking at my notes for story lines etc., I know that I had a good fix on the story line for each of my notes. Now, when I review them, it’s not so clear. It’s scary; that’s what it is.
Instead, I decided to focus my energies on editing the first draft of my latest book, ‘Lucky Bitch.’ Easy enough. I am managing to get through maybe two chapters a day before I have to stop and rest for several hours. That equates to one hour of screen time for every five or so hours of rest. It’s barely enough to get through the day. Even so, I have to take frequent breaks during my screen time to get anything done. Nerve racking, to say the least.
Back to editing. I use the tools I have available to me, read the book, chapter by chapter, fix the grammar, pay attention to the plot lines, verify the continuity of the story and so forth. All well and good. Right?
Okay, so I get to the second to last chapter, and I realize that I have to rewrite the entire section. WTF? The subject outline of the chapter is all wrong. I covered that plot line in Chapter 19, one-third of the way into the book. Oh, shit! What the hell am I going to do now? My creative thought processes are worthless at the moment. I have no doubt that they will return but honestly, when?
Doc told me on Monday that I may be suffering the after effects of this concussion for the next two years. TWO YEARS? Oh, my fricking lord. That, after getting a pair of nerve block injections in the back of my neck in an attempt to stop the headache. So far, I’m on my third day and the headache, while diminished, remains constant.
As I review what I am going to do, I’ve decided this much. I will print out the two chapters and hand them out to my beta readers. I’m going to let them tell me which version they like better. Once done, I’ll incorporate the winner into Chapter 19.
In the meantime, what to do with Chapter 43, the second to last chapter of the book. Chapter 43 is intended as a vehicle to get the main character, Mona, away from home for the day, and acts as a setup for the closing chapter, crucial to the book.
So, that’s where I am. I’m jotting down notes as they come to me. Frankly, they’re not worth much at this point. Maybe I’ll stumble onto something. Either way, it may help in the recovery of my creative thought processes. Damn, I never thought I would miss not having them.
So, until next time, this is Richard Verry, Writer signing off and crossing my fingers to get back to where I need to be. Fans, I love you all. Thanks for your patience.
After months of hard work, plenty of interruptions and numerous diversions, last night I finished the first draft of ‘Lucky Bitch’, the third book in the ‘Mona Bendarova Adventures’. Whoo hoo! ‘Lucky Bitch’ picks of about three months after the end of ‘Broken Steele’, which ended with Mona making the biggest decision in her life. A decision that will forever change the life she has ever known. Of course, the book is not ready for prime time. Now comes the part where I reread it, edit it, cut and cut, and rewrite segments. I have a lot of work ahead of me but you know what? It’s a labor of love and I expect the work to go easily. After that, it goes to the editor and somewhere by then, I need a book cover prototype developed. Stay tuned!
To celebrate, I’m offering the first two books for 50% off for the month of July. Use the discount code: SSW50.
Mona Bendarova Adventures
Book 1: The Taste of Honey
Book 2: Broken Steele
Book 3: Lucky Bitch (coming soon)
In preparation of the release of ‘Lucky Bitch’ download and read your own copies for 50% off. That’s just a $1.50 a copy.
This discount is available only from and .
This discount is not available from Amazon but you can buy the book at discount for your Kindle or Kindle Reader. Use the discount code : SSW50 to get your discount from either site.
Don’t delay. This discount expires at midnight, July 31, 2016.
Be sure to enter your discount code SSW50at checkout. Your 50% savings will be applied then. SSW50
Mona Bendarova Adventures Reviews
Still not sure? Well, read what others have said after reading them. Then read the books for yourself. Remember, use the discount code: SSW50
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Use the discount code : SSW50
Okay, if you have read this far, thank you. As a way of saying thanks, I will also share with you another one of my books, for FREE.