Yesterday’s post and today’s reality

Yesterday, I wrote a post about learning how to fish. I had lots of great feedback on the post. I trust I get better with each one. I wish I could duplicate it for today’s commentary but for the moment, that’s not possible.

Gray cloud layerI apologize but right now, I can’t. Sorry but I’ll pick up as soon as possible. Right now, I’m under the weather and definitely not feeling well. This past Monday, I received a vaccination. Normally, people have minimal reaction to this particular vaccination. But, oh no, not me!

My arm has been ballooning up at the injection site. It is red and sore. All day yesterday and last night, I’ve felt like I’ve had a fever even though I haven’t. I realize my body is fighting the live form of the virus the vaccination injected into me on Monday. It doesn’t make me feel better.

Logic in this case is of no help at all. The analogy I can make is this. Just as I have been learning to fish in writing blurbs and other marketing material, my body is learning how to fish in fighting this bug coursing through my blood stream. I just hope that when I’m feeling better, I can return to my blogging and maintain the quality that Leah and others have been teaching me.

For now, I hope I can make it through the day. Be well everyone and be safe.

This is Richard Verry, signing off and yearning for my bed so that I can sleep it off.

Teaching me to Fish

For the last couple of days, someone who many of you know, alright, my friend Leah Hart, has been teaching me to write story blurbs. At first, I didn’t understand the term ‘blurb’ in the context of my books. Even that, she had to drill into me.

boy fishingIt’s been a hard road for me and fraught with stress and frustration. I woke up this morning feeling like I was back in grammar school and earning a failing grade on my assignments. Crap! I even went into work this morning telling the story and describing my feelings. Normally, a ‘B+’ or ‘A’ student, I felt I had earned nothing more that a ‘D’. It was agonizing.

Chasing almighty dollarPart of me kept saying to myself, “Just write the damn thing for me. I’ll then use it as a model for the future.” And yet, she held back, probably shaking her head in her own frustration over my lack of progress.

I believe I’m good at writing stories and plot concepts. I also know that I suck at marketing, selling and that talent one has in getting someone to buy. I’ve met a lot of people over the years who could sell snow to a polar bear. Me? I’ve never had that talent. Which is why I hire people to help me.

Yet, I am aware enough that until I can get a major publisher to pick up my contract or get a movie producer to buy the movie rights to my stories, I have to do much of it myself. As much as I struggle in learning this talent, I know I need to do it.

28062560_sI need to fish rather than have the fish handed to me. I can’t help wishing it could be different but for now, that is not to be.

So, I’m back to school and studying the techniques Leah and others have been trying to pound into my head.

OUCH! That hurts. I jest as I rub the back of my head. It does hurt and I’m not too shy to say it. It does and I appreciate those that help me fish. Thank you Leah. Thank you to all of my mentors, whether I know you personally or whether you’re one of the hundreds of articles I have read on the topic.

This is Richard Verry, reporting to you live from the single room school house all alone and with lots of homework to do.