‘Tween Holidays
It’s ‘Tween Holidays. Halloween is past, and Thanksgiving is just days away. After that, Christmas is next, assuming you follow retail holiday schedules. The retail Christmas season started this year before the U.S. Labor Day holiday in late August.

But I really do not want to write about that. I want to tell you, my faithful readers, that I will know when I can resume my writing soon. My lifelong domestic partner is dealing with a long-term fatal disease and has just been accepted into the Medicaid role. A nurse will be out tomorrow to open her case, set us up for any available services, and answer dozens of questions about now and the future.
I hope to get more help with supervised care while getting needed time off from my hectic life as a full-time home caregiver. There is no question I need help.
We also met with her neurologist and found out that her long-term prognosis is ‘Who knows?’ This disease has no average track record. It can end suddenly in just a few months or linger on for six or more years. Physically, I can handle giving long-term care. Mentally, I know I can’t, and I told the neurologist that when he asked me how I was doing. The simple answer is, ‘Not great.’

I should be better able to know more in a couple of weeks. I’ll be sure to fill you in when I do. In the meantime, I wish you the best holiday season. Keep reading my books as you can, but any book will do. Currently, to help me fall asleep, I am reading the Caroline Graham books the UK series, ‘Midsomer Murders’ are based upon. Sometimes, it is hard for me to understand the UK way of life, but watching the series on the telly is helping me get it. Many of you understand.