‘Tis the Season 2022

‘Tis the Season

Yes, ‘Tis the Season 2022. Whether you celebrate Merry Christmas, Happy Christmas, Santa is coming to town, the Festival of Lights, the ?Winter Solstice, and the rest, I would like to pass on this holiday seasonal greeting.

I wish you and yours around the world the very best of the current holiday season and in the years to come.

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2 thoughts on “‘Tis the Season 2022

  1. Gail Reply

    Thank you for the Happy Hanukkah greeting. I love the last night especially when all the candles are lit.

    Happy Holidays to you. Wishing you a fabulous New Year.

  2. JJJ Reply

    Merry Christmas Richard. Hope that the Holiday season is a joyous time for you and yours…

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