Announcing my new novel

The Trafficking ConsortiumAnnouncing my new novel

I am proud and excited to announce the release of my new novel,

‘The Trafficking Consortium’

available exclusively at

Click on the book cover to take you right to my web page for the book.

You can read the first chapter for free before you decide to get your own copy and read the story. It’s available in all eBook formats as well as in pdf. If you’re not comfortable with eBooks, early next year, I will make available a printed version of the book.

If you liked my ‘Her Client’ series and ‘The Breakup,’ you will love this story. Pure fiction, this story follows the development of a young, intelligent woman in her mid-twenties, who is caught up in an unexpected life of love, happiness, sadness, anger, pain, and anguish.

It’s the gritty, gripping, disturbing, and even terrifying tale of a woman who unintentionally catches the eye of an international human trafficking ring. After being snatched off the streets, she is auctioned off to the highest bidder where she learns to live a life as a slave, suffering torment at the hands of her master, while still finding peace, joy, happiness and possibly finding the love of her life.

The question is, can she survive long enough to escape, assuming she still wants to?

You can only get a copy from my site. I’m experimenting with this book, seeing if I can raise interest in my works without paying exorbitant royalties to the various retailers.

Suitable for adult readers 18+.

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Her Client

Jolene in reposeI’ve spent my entire life doing my best to help others. Rarely have I done something just for myself. Sure, I have a body to die for and I use it to my advantage. It has helped me advance, but honestly, if I don’t, there’s always someone else who will take my place.

I don’t maintain long-term relationships, I simply don’t have time. I take care of the needs of my clients and if there is enough leftover, I’ll do something for myself. Who am I kidding? I have just enough left over for a bath, a glass of wine and the occasional one-night stand.

Then why was I assaulted, beaten, raped and sold into human bondage to be tortured and murdered? I have since learned that what happened to me could happen to anyone.

It could even happen to you.


Available at, or check out my website for more information.

Her Client Trilogy Advert

Do I have a fix for you.

So, what would you football fanatics do this weekend without a meaningful game to watch? Well, here is a suggestion! It’s the three R’s. Rest, Relax and Read. The last ‘R’ is where I can help.

When you read, Richard Verry’s, ‘Her Client Trilogy’ you will find just the right amount of brutality, torture and a winning outcome. You will shudder at the incredible and unimaginable anguish suffered as the story unfolds. A gripping tale, you will not be able to put it down until the final … final outcome.

Her Client Trilogy Advert

So grab your favorite drink, put your feet up and start reading. I promise you that you will be at the edge of your seat, not knowing the ‘score’. You will care about the characters involved in this story yet this isn’t a game. The brutality is happening to a person not a team. If you can’t depend on your peers to help, who is left?

Will this give you the ‘fix’ you need this weekend?

Only you can answer that question yet as a person who can relate and will be going through the same ‘withdrawal’ as you are, I can assure you that you won’t be disappointed with your read!

Suitable for readers 18+.

Football as it relates to Her Client Trilogy

Football and Her Client Trilogy

It’s conference championship weekend as the remaining four teams battle it out for the honor to represent their conference in the Super Bowl. Just four teams remain in contention while the rest are sitting on the sidelines. This ritual got me thinking how this relates to Richard Verry’s, ‘Her Client Trilogy’.

Her Client Trilogy Advert
What happened to Jolene could happen to you.

When I think about the game, the words that come to mind include: dominance, hunt, aggressor, tied, victim, surprise, tension, hard, chains, panic, goal, interference, holding, illegal contact, roughing, fantasy, rout and shit!

I am sure you can add more yet the point is all this is acceptable in the game of football. Culturally, it has become the norm to read, watch and/or participate in this activity.

How is this different from what the author is conveying in his books and novellas?

Overall, I believe we have grown as a society yet there are still issues that we can’t accept or are willing to accept. We still hunt, torture and inflict brutal violence against each another. It is a game for some and a lifestyle for others. Yet like myself, the main character and victim Jolene will fight to survive to the bitter end.

We may have fourth and long to go, time is running out and we are out of time-outs and yet we will keep our wits and fight to the bitter end. We will not be the victim to be hunted and tackled to the ground. We may be injured and on the verge of being routed. Yet, while there are still seconds on the clock, we will not take a knee. We’ll run the screen pass and make a play for the end zone and come out on top.

We will not lay down and give up. We will overcome our trials, we will vanquish those to try to push us down and send us packing. We will do everything we can to rise to the top and hold the trophy high.

See if you agree with my thoughts. Write me a comment and let me know, one way or the other.

Hot pepper sauce. Holy S#!$

Cleaning out the fridge.

Today, we were cleaning out the refrigerator. You know how some stuff tends to collect after months. Well sometime ago, a family member brought one of those small little bottles of hot sauce. You know the kind. A single drop goes a long, long way.

So far …  so good.

Fire hot pepperThat is until the bottle falls on its way to the garbage pail. Yup, that’s right, it falls on the floor in the kitchen and the top breaks off. A decent amount spills on to the floor. I picked up the bottle and since it was spilling all over the garbage pail I tried to contain it from getting all over.0

What I did next is what I normally would do in this situation. I dumped the balance of the bottle down the sink to flush it down the drain. Oops. Within seconds, the water mixed with the hot sauce, sending the main chemical in the pepper that makes it hot — air-borne.

Within seconds, it permeated the room. I was breathing it in. It clogged my sinuses, my air ways, my chest. As I tried to wash it down the drain, I touched it with my hands. Hours later, they are still tingling from the pepper sauce.

After sometime, coughing, sneezing and blowing my nose, I thought I was past it and I washed my hands thoroughly. That is until I needed to use the bathroom. Even after washing my hands beforehand, a minute afterwards, my junk started burning. Oh shit! What the fuck!

Hot PepperI’m trying to eat dinner and I can’t stand it. All I can think of is washing my dick. Jumping into the shower, only exasperates the problem. Holy shit. Even the water vapor from the shower is mixing with the remnants of the sauce embedded in my skin. I can’t stand it any long. I turn off the water and dry off. As I’m doing so, my girlfriend who was to this point not involved, runs into the bathroom complaining that it got into her eye.

Oh shit again. Apparently, she breathed in a little bit of the air permeated with the remnants of the smell of the sauce and had to blow her nose. As she blew, it backed up into her eyes and they’re burning. Again, washing doesn’t help but the watering in her eyes eventually settles her down. It took a while and now she’s resting. Now, as I look at her face, it looks like she’s got a black eye, almost as if someone punched her in the face.

An hour later, I’m finally able to think, though the skin that touched the sauce is still burning. The backs of my hands and fingers are still tingling. Her eyes are still sore but we’re progressing.

A word to the wise! Don’t ever … ever spill this fucking sauce. It’s murder.

One thing though. Compared to Jolene, my heroine in the ‘Her Client Trilogy’, I’d rather go through this incidence with the pepper sauce than what she had to endure. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, check out this trilogy. It’s brutal. It’s criminal. It’s savage. By all rights, Jolene should be dead and buried. Somehow, she survives. Read her story and find out how she does it.

Me, I’m glad that I nor any one of my loved ones don’t have to endure either of these assaults. And yes, I consider this episode with the pepper sauce an assault. Why the fuck would anyone want to intentionally want to eat this shit is beyond me.

Hopefully by tomorrow, we’ll be past this.

Oh, and … if anyone wants to come visit us as our house, do not and I mean it, DO NOT bring a bottle of this pepper sauce with you. You will not be allowed in my house. PERIOD.

Don’t even think about it. You hear me! I mean it. DON’T.