Halloween is in two days

Halloween is in two days

Halloween is in two days, and frankly, I don’t care. Yes, that’s right. My heart isn’t in it this year. Anyone who knows me knows that for as long as I can remember, Halloween is my favorite holiday, or is that was? I don’t know myself. I suppose I will know years from now.

What’s changed?

Let’s see. What’s changed. First, I now live in a fifty-five and up community. No one comes to the house for trick-or-treating. Only a few houses in my neighborhood decorate anything to do with the holiday. When they do, is a set of string lights and a pumpkin, which wasn’t carved into a jack-o’-lantern. How sad is that?

more “Halloween is in two days”

Impressive start to Infiltration

Impressive Start

What an impressive start to Infiltration, book 4 in the #Consortium series. I’m impressed. Thank you fans and readers. It’s been a few weeks since I last wrote, and a lot has happened since then. With no additional fluff, here we go.

Book 5 News

impressive start
Woman in words 2
by JuanOsborne

I’ve written several chapters for book #5, the follow-up book of Infiltration as yet unnamed, and it is off to a good start too. In chatting with my muses, I’ve heard comments like, “Oh, this is getting exciting!”

I am excited to get deeper into the story. Like #Infiltration, my writing is off to an impressive start. So much is going on, that I sometimes lose track of where I am, as the ideas of scenes keep popping into my mind. I have several I want to do, but have yet to write them, or even know where in the story I should put them. I know we are all used to chronological order in our stories, but maybe this time, I need to use a couple of my ideas in flashbacks. What I know is that these ideas are perfect for the story, and they all fit right in with the development of the characters and the plot.

Yes, I am excited by the way this book is turning out so far. I can’t wait to see how it develops. I know you, my readers, are also thinking the same thing.

Other News

Of course, I’ve suffered a setback of sorts. A little over two weeks ago, my #concussion related 24x7x365 #headache that started almost five years ago asserted itself. I went 16 days with a constant #migraine level headache, yes, I used singular form on purpose. It is/was all one event lasting for way too long that never let up. As a result, I could barely do my regular job that keeps the roof over my head, and as soon as I got home, I’d collapse and rest, nap, and finally go to bed. Somewhere in there, I’d eat a little, but beyond that, I could do nothing else. I was completely and utterly worn out from dealing with the headache.

Concussion headache

Today, I finally have a bit of relief. It’s down in the 4-5 range which is manageable. I’m really tired of the 6-8 range. It might be because of a change in medication, using something that is more potent than I’ve ever used before. Don’t worry, it’s not addictive. While I have some of that addictive stuff in the house, I refuse to use it, knowing how dangerous it is, refusing to fall into that trap. I’m also concerned with the amount of over-the-counter analgesics I’ve taken. I don’t want that stuff to mess with my kidneys, liver, or other vital organs. Besides, they did little to help.

So I am working through the issue and hope to get a lot of writing done starting today.

Spring has sprung?

On the positive note, it looks like Spring arrived in my part of the world. Temperatures fluctuate wildly, but there have been enough warm days lately that I’ve seen bare legs and flip-flops on people of all ages and types. The sun shines a lot more too, which doesn’t help the headache, but helps with my mood.

Thanks for reading this article. I know it feels more like a journal entry, but I wanted you, my readers, to know that I am on top of things, and recognize your thirst for more of Avril and Sir’s story. You know what? Like me, you’re all a bloodthirsty lot. Thank you.

Have a wonderful day and enjoy the #coffee!

coffee, an impressive start to the day

Always End the Day with a Positive Thought

Always End the Day with a Positive Thought

End the day with a positive thought, what an interesting, inspirational message? When I first saw this quote the other day, I had to stop and think about it. The first question I asked myself was, why?

In thinking about the deeper meaning of the inspirational message, I thought about what I do every day since I can remember. Yes, that’s right, back to when I was a child, though it’s more likely that as a young adult, I lived this mindset.

No matter how hard things wereThe full quote reads:

“Always end the day with a positive thought. No matter how hard things were, tomorrow’s a fresh opportunity to make it better.”

more “Always End the Day with a Positive Thought”

Daith Piercing

My Daith Piercing

Yesterday, I had a Daith Piercing done. I have other piercings, but after my initial ones, I didn’t know what I would get next. Fourteen years later, I got another one. Not for aesthetic reasons, mind you, but for health reason. Huh? You might ask. Well, this is my story.

miserable, in painHeadaches remain a problem. That’s right, while I haven’t written about my post-concussion syndrome issues lately, they persist. My loved one’s wish they could help, but no one is more frustrated about them than I am.

more “Daith Piercing”

I’m Getting Lax

But really, am I getting Lax?

Alright, I admit it, I’m getting lax in writing to you. It’s just that I’m excited to get back into rejoining the human race, and going out with friends and family. While I am still recovering from my injury sixteen months ago, I’m down to the short rows in my progress. By that I mean, I’m probably back to 95% of what I was before my injury. It’s this last 5% that is getting to me. My progress slows the closer and closer I get to 100%.

getting lax in returning from my Post Concussion Syndrome

My doctors and therapists tell me, I may never get back to 100%. I won’t accept that. I will continue working hard to stop forgetting names, words, and concepts that are clearly visible in my mind, just not making it past my lips. Grrr…. And, I still have a constant, low-grade headache to deal with that gets me down at times. Rest assured, I’ll figure it all out. In the meantime, I’m enjoying getting back into the swing of things.

The Trafficking ConsortiumAlso, I am writing, though not at the pace I was when I had lots of free time on my hands. My followup book to ‘The Trafficking Consortium’ is well underway. It’s entitled ‘Perfect Prey.’ Anyone who has read the first book will understand the meaning of the title. The first draft is about 60% done, with lots of scenes that need integration into the overall story. Not to fear, I’ll figure it out. I also have a clear understanding of what the third book in the trilogy will entail. Unlike when I wrote ‘The Trafficking Consortium,’ which I expected to be a single, stand-alone novel, Avril’s story is evolving into a trilogy. I hope to finish it by the end of the holidays and begin editing it for real before turning it over to my editor for the heavy red-pen. 😉

More ideas

Plus, I want to finish these two books soon, as I have ideas for more normalized novels that don’t involve crime and punishment. Wouldn’t that be a change in direction? One might even call them romance novels, not that I have read any. I just like the snippets I’ve been writing and sharing with my female friends. They are encouraging me to take this turn, and I’m likely to do it.

In the meantime, sales of all of my books are doing well. I am thankful for the host of people out there who are reading my works. Please, consider writing a review. Good or bad, I enjoy reading them. Plus, they give me incentives to continue writing and refining my talents. Thanks, everyone.


Might I also suggest that you check out my online art gallery at maggicalExpressions. When I need to take a break, relax, and unwind, I tend to draw and paint. This gallery displays a collection of most of my favorite pieces. Let me know what you think. Most are available for sale, either as the original artwork or prints at a substantially reduced price.

So, overall, am I really getting lax? I kind of doubt it.

Have a great day and a better tomorrow.

A nice Sunday afternoon

I just asked my girlfriend what I should write about in this iteration of my blog. I hadn’t a clue. Why?

I’m spending the day in the warm sun, sitting on my porch, writing scenes and character bios for my next book. No, I’m not letting the cat out of the bag just yet. It’s too early in the process to tell you that. Who knows, it might never come to pass.

beach walking in a bikiniHowever, writing is what I’m doing, as well as catching up on email, social media, connecting with friends and, of course, day dreaming. I’m feeling better, and while my left over concussion headache is still with me, like a squatter who refuses eviction, I have my creative steam back. Ideas are appearing in my head, creating scene after scene that I want to capture, whether for this new book or another. It’s maddening sometimes, I can’t catch them any faster, so I lose them before I can write them down. Damn! I wish I could type at the speed of light.

Speaking of which my typing sucks at the moment. I think of a sentence I want to type, and after I type it, I find that several words are mistyped, often so badly that even the word processor doesn’t know what to do with them. Fsxk. See what I mean? Fuckk, oh fuck it already.

Frosty beer mugHere in the United States, we are having our unofficial last week of summer. For those that know our holidays, next week we celebrate the holiday known as labor day, a day set aside to honor the workers of the country. Workers who get things done, often at the behest of others. I count myself in their ranks, never reaching the heights of the one percenters.

Not that I care. For the most part, I liked my life, and I am enjoying my current life. The only way it could be better is that I get a movie deal from one of my books, and earn enough to buy that beach house, with an attached pool, and paint and write full-time, all while scanning the young bikini clad lovelies walking along the ocean and enjoying afternoon delights with my girlfriend before retiring to my hammock with a drink in my hand. Okay, that last sentence was wordy. Fuck it and go have another drink.


When family comes to visit

My sister just left. Whew, I’m tired. She and her husband arrived last Thursday and departed Saturday afternoon. Everyone had a great time. I wouldn’t have missed it for the world. However, I’m still tired. As hosts, I tried to be up early and stay up late until they were ready for bed. So, what was I to do? I stayed up past midnight, ate and drank a bit too much, and talked into the wee hours of the night.

Addams Family
Carolyn Jones (C, sitting) and John Astin (L), with other cast members, during scene from program “The Addams Family.”

I miss my sister. I do. I haven’t seen her for at least two years(?). She lives three hundred plus miles away and until this past weekend, last came to visit me when I first moved to my adopted town back in the late eighties. Since then, I’ve gone to visit her. She has a bunch of kids, and she felt that kind of car ride would be difficult. I understand. So, I visited her as much as I can. I have only one kid, and he’s grown up and moved away. I have no pets to take care of, nor do need to find accommodations for them when I go away, nor deal with the hassles of taking them with me to contend with her pets.

The long and short of it, I’m just glad they came. I miss her.

I even had a chance to chat with her alone, one-on-one. Sometimes, I feel the need to tailor my conversation based upon whether her husband or my girlfriend is around. Even though I know that she is very traditional, she is still open and liberal enough to accept me for whom I am. She accepts me, faults and all. And boy, some say I have many faults.

What? Me? Faults? I kid of course, but that doesn’t change who I am. I like me as I am, and I hate tailoring myself to protect the feelings of others.

So, that is in part, why I haven’t written in a while. I’ve been busy. In the free moments I had, I spent researching how to redesign my website. I found a theme I like, and I’m playing with it to see how it turns out. If not, I’ll move on. Until then, I’m not buying the professional version until I am satisfied. It is going to take some work though. My old theme used page templates that don’t translate very way to other themes. It’s these templates that drive me crazy. They interfere with the SEO (Seach Engine Optimization) routines and are not compatible with the higher end online shopping cart systems. A big PITA (Pain In The ASS). Still, what I’ve accomplished over the past couple of weeks is promising.

Now, on my head issues, cognitive issues are rampant. Do you know how long it took me to remember the word ‘promising’ in the previous paragraph? Way too long, let me tell you. Grrrrr!!!! Periodic chiropractic adjustments seem to work. My headaches live in the one to two range of ten. When they start to grow, doc tells me I’m out of adjustment. Damn, I didn’t know one leg could be shorter than another simply by being out of adjustment. A quick fix and I’m on my way. Even my neurologist is impressed. He’s put me on a decreasing dose of my meds with the intent to hopefully stop within 18 weeks. Knock on wood. Wish me luck.

Oh, I almost forgot. The Trafficking Consortium is now available in paperback from Amazon and Createspace.com. If  you’re one to like a book in your lap rather than on a tablet or smart-phone, then now is your chance to get it at a decent price. Join the hundreds of others that have read the book. As always, I appreciate your honest critique and review posted on the site from where you bought the book. Thx.

Okay, that’s it for now. I hope you enjoyed reading about my latest news. Until next time, have a great day and a better tomorrow!

p.s. Theme photo is from the original Addam’s Family television series from the 1960’s, a take off of Charles Addam’s cartoons, which I devoured in my youth. By no means, do I want to equate my sister’s visit with the Addam’s. I love both, just differently.

Besides, Morticia Addams is hot!

What is there to say?

What is there to say?

That is a very good question. I continue pushing through, minute by minute, hour by hour, and day by day. Besides the constant elevated headache, I’m fatigued both mentally and physically. My emotions are raw and all I can do is think about sleep. Ah, blissful sleep, a time when I don’t register my pain and discomfort. And yet, there have been times, when I dreaded going to bed to sleep. What an awful way to live.Neuro-fatigue

It turns out that I must be my own care manager as well as a patient. Sucks, big time, let me tell you. My doctor’s treating my post-concussion symptoms are all specialists, who only know their own narrow field of expertise. The doctor who is managing my case, simply tells me, that they only assess and refer me to specialists. They are not in the business of treating.

“Say what? What kind of shit is that?” I thought as they told me that. But there it is. I have to make the phone calls, follow-up interactions between the various doctors (and yes, there are a lot of them), the pharmacy, and the insurance company handling my worker’s comp claim.

And let’s not get into the impact all this has had on my retirement plan. I just got my statement. My income reported to the plan was about half of what I should have earned last year. It’s not going to be much better next year. I knew I lost some money by being out of work, but really, almost half of my typical income? On top of that, I have to make up the lost time to retire with full benefits, which means I will have to work an additional six months before I retire. Crap!

As of today, I am on two new meds, and so far, I am getting some good results. The next couple of weeks will tell. I am hoping for good news.

Post Concussion Syndrome or Writer’s Block

Post Concussion Syndrome or Writer’s Block

I’ve been giving a lot of thought to the plot of my next novel. I find that once I am in the midst of the storyline, I feel fantastic. The writing is comfortable and natural. I can lose all track of time and my environment. Much to the despair of my loving girlfriend and partner, I’ve been known to ignore her while I am in the depths of typing out my latest scene. Sorry love.

post-concussion syndrome symptomsI don’t know about you other writers out there, but when I am invested in a character, I tend to feel what they feel, be it pleasurable or not. I like it, and I get to imagine what it is like to experience their lives as they fulfill their destiny.

I need to revisit the realm of one of my characters. I have several great story lines I’d like to delve in one day. Just not today.

I don’t understand why not. I remember how excited I was when I wrote down those story outlines. In fact, I remember one day, writing down over a dozen plots that I could use in developing a new book. Yet, as I reviewed them over the past couple of weeks, none of them stood out and captured my interest. Of course, I wrote all of those notes pre-concussion.

The Trafficking ConsortiumMy question to everyone out there, am I experiencing a writer’s block or did my brain injury affect me in ways that are changing me? I hadn’t thought so last month. I was in the depths of the glory of producing my last novel, ‘The Trafficking Consortium.’ My stream of creative thought, missing for many months after my brain injury, seemed to return with a big bang. Yet, today I wonder if it was just a fleeting spark. The stream, so much a part of my life, has regressed to a mere trickle, falling ever so slowly from a water faucet.

What do you think? Am I suffering a short-term writer’s block or am I suffering from the after effects of my brain injury? Can ‘Post-Concussion Syndrome’ be that devastating? Please leave me a reply by commenting in the field below. Unless otherwise requested, all replies will be publicly shared.

Thanks for reading this and sharing your thoughts. I do appreciate the valuable time you spend in my little corner of the world.

Until next time, this is Richard Verry, sitting at my desk, looking out the window at an unseasonably mild and overcast gray day, and anxious as to whether I will ever return to my normal self.

I hate this s#!t

I hate this s#!t

Due to lots of icy rain and the aftereffects of my head injury suffered last summer, I just had to cancel a coffee date with a dear friend of mine. Damn it all! This head crap is really affecting my lifestyle. Will I ever get past this? PT is helping, for sure. But enough already! Okay, enough venting. Back to your normally scheduled programing.

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