Word of the Day — Lothario


Lothario: noun | loh-THAIR-ee-oh


: a man whose chief interest is seducing women
: lady-killer

Word Origin and History for Lothario

Masculine proper name, Italian form of Old High German Hlothari, Hludher (whence German Luther, French Lothaire), literally “famous warrior,” from Old High German lut (see loud ) + heri “host, army” (see harry (v.)). As a characteristic name for a lady-killer, 1756, from the name of the principal male character of Nicholas Rowe’s “The Fair Penitent” (1703).

Did You Know?

other words meaning LotharioLothario comes from The Fair Penitent (1703), a tragedy by Nicholas Rowe. In the play, Lothario is a notorious seducer, extremely attractive but a haughty and unfeeling scoundrel beneath his charming exterior. He seduces Calista, an unfaithful wife and later the fair penitent of the title. After publishing the play, the character of Lothario became a stock figure in English literature. For example, Samuel Richardson modeled the character of Lovelace on Lothario in his 1748 novel Clarissa. As the character became well known, his name became progressively more generic, and lothario (often capitalized) has since been used to describe a foppish, unscrupulous rake.

Examples of LOTHARIO

“He was now quite an elderly Lothario, reduced to the most economical sins; the prominent form of his gaiety being this of lounging at Mr. Gruby’s door, embarrassing the servant-maids who came for grocery, and talking scandal with the rare passers-by.”
— George Eliot, Scenes of Clerical Life, 1858


“He probably even envisioned himself as a prized Lothario, never for a moment identifying with this observation by the great songwriter Kinky Friedman: ‘Money can buy you a fine dog, but only love can make him wag his tail.'”
— Joe Fitzgerald, The Boston Herald, 16 Oct. 2017

My Take

Seeing today’s word at Merriam-Webster’s site gave me great joy. I couldn’t believe my eyes at first. Finally the most prominent smile crossed my face, starting my day off with a bang.

Lady-KillerI discovered this word in researching my Mona Bendarova books. In the first book, ‘The Taste of Honey,’ I introduced a club where the estate owners would hang out, drink and socialize. At the time, I called it the Club. However, when I wrote the sequel, ‘Broken Steele’ I decided to give it a name.

After thinking about it, and researching the idea, I decided upon the name Club Lothario and even its own website ClubLothario.com. The name fits in perfectly with the membership of the club and their favorite pastimes. One definition, ‘lady-killer,’ is perfect for the storylines. I hope you will read the stories and discover for yourself, the society Mona, Charles and the rest of them live in harmony together. Maybe I’ll see you at the club. If so, I’ll buy you a drink.

I love learning the different contexts of these words of the day. Do you? Please share your comments. I’m sure we would all like to read them.

Have a great day.

Brought to you by Merriam-Webster, Word of the Day.

The Trafficking Consortium comes to life

How did I come up with ‘The Trafficking Consortium?’

The Trafficking ConsortiumComing up with the idea for my novel ‘The Trafficking Consortium’ occurred quite by accident. In the summer of 2016, I suffered a severe concussion which lay laid me for months. After a trip to the hospital, I started seeing doctors and therapists four to five days a week. In the beginning, I didn’t care. They helped me get better.

About three months after my injury, I realized that I was missing something in my brain, that being the creative stream of images and ideas that flow through my mind every hour and every day of my conscious life. Frankly, I was getting scared. Would it ever return? Would I have to live my life without my favorite friend in my mind? After another two months, I was still wondering.

As a change of pace and to get out of the house, I accompanied my girlfriend when she needed to attend a conference in Washington DC area with her daughter. After arriving, while she was out for the day, I stayed behind and pulled out my drawing tablet and pencils. For three days straight, I drew. Not from imagery in my mind but from photographs and what I saw out the window of my hotel room. All well and good, and it was a change of pace that I needed. Still, though, the creative stream remained elusive.


A couple of weeks after I returned home, I found myself sitting in yet another doctor’s office waiting to be called in for an assessment. As I sat there, I watched people come up to the check-in window, hand over their personal information, and sit down to wait. Some of the people I saw were quite attractive, decked out in outfits that emphasized their bodies designed to appeal to potential lovers and bedmates.

Watching them, I suddenly had a thought. “What if?” I asked myself.

  • “What if the secretary handed over my personal information to those whose agendas were unrelated to the doctor’s business?”
  • “What could happen?” “Do I really want to share my personal information?”
  • “Can I trust them?”
  • “What can I do if I can’t trust them?”

And for a brief time, my mind ran rampant with the possibilities. On that day and in that instant, a story idea exploded in my mind and consumed me. I had to write it down. In about five weeks, I had written the first draft of ‘The Trafficking Consortium.’ After that, I began the refinement process and six months later, the story was published to outstanding reviews.

Oh my, poor Avril!

Avril GilliosPoor Avril Gillios, the heroine in this story. I wrapped her story around the people I observed while waiting to see my doctor. To no fault of her own, she was tagged, kidnapped, and sold into bondage half a world away. Fighting for her life, she never gave up looking for an opportunity to escape. More horrifying, is that she was not alone. Hundreds of people; men and women alike; are taken by the Consortium each year. Most are dead within months. All of them become objects of Consortium members depraved desires. Have you ever wondered how many adults go missing over the years, you should

Her story is one of determination to survive and to return to her old life. Along the way, something buried inside her awakens, and she discovers that despite her disgust towards the organization, she finds that her new owner and master isn’t so bad after all. She struggles with the paradox that she can’t seem to resolve. Her Surviving her ordeal and keeping her soul unstained; drives her work within the system, determined to escape and return to her old life.

In the coming weeks, I’ll talk more about Avril and the Consortium. How I came up with her character, as well as those exposed to her. I’ll write about the motivations of those behind the counter and their private agendas. In the meantime, you can discover for yourself, some of what drives Avril on her webpage at my site.

You can also read the book ‘The Trafficking Consortium’ for yourself. Get it on


Sex Sells

Sex Sells

Today, I thought I would write about how sex sells. In some ways, I wish that weren’t the case. In other ways, I’m pleased that it does.

Is that a paradox? A conflict? A contradiction?

Sex Sells samplesMaybe, but sex sells. Even when I was an adolescent, advertisements depicting a sexy girl, or even just her lingerie, appealed to me. Now, remember, this was in the age before personal computers, and nudie magazines were just getting underway. Yep, I’m dating myself. What I had available to me was the NY Times advertisements for ladies undergarments, National Geographic of back world communities, and Learn how to draw the female figure books.


Since those days, I’ve realized that everything, from selling cars, tobacco, alcohol, or even children’s toys, sex is somehow used to draw in the buyer. For me, and I presume most people across the planet, I tend to skip over ads of just the product, but put a sexy face, hand, body, or whatever, and I pause. This goes for men and women. Remember the Marlboro man? He didn’t interest me, but it did appeal to many of my female friends of the day. Just look at the photo, would any one of these ads cause you to stop for a moment. Of course they would. You wouldn’t be human if you didn’t.


Sex Sells animation

So, what is it about the phrase sex sells. I know that marketers are determined to get their audience to give their product the once over. Once someone pauses to check out the product, they know that there is an excellent chance to sell that product to the viewer. It’s mass marketing on a grand scale. If they can get a hundred among a thousand to stop and look at the pretty face in the advertisement, and of those one hundred, one buys the product, they win. Why? Because they advertised to millions.

Do the math. Volume counts and the products sell. You just have to know your audience and your intended target.

The Trafficking ConsortiumNow, how do I apply that to marketing my books, on a shoestring budget? I wish I knew. I am advertising, for sure. Instinctively, I also knew I needed a sexy girl or image on my book covers. Most have the girl; all have the sex. Among the millions of books out there, how do I capture the interest of the person casually perusing shelf after shelf of books? It’s on the cover. It is my primary advertising.

They say, ‘a picture is equal to a thousand words.’ That is so true for me. Is it for you?

Thinking of you

Let it be known

Hello everyone, fans, and friends alike, let it be known, that thinking of you is a welcome respite. However, as I sit here, at my computer typing this note, I’m at a loss as to what to write.

Thinking of you

About the only thing that comes to mind is that I am thinking of you and very thankful to all of you.

Thinking of you and wishing you a Sexy Happy Thanksgiving
Source: newselusivetightly.dtiblog.com

Here in my country, we are celebrating a holiday called Thanksgiving. It’s a national holiday commemorating the years before the founding of our nation, where Native Americans saved the settlers from Europe from extinction through starvation. It’s a grand sentiment and one that I love.


What I don’t love is in this age of commercialism, it also marks the start of a season in which the buying of goods to give as gifts to others. In theory, that’s very nice. In reality, it’s more of a frenzy by companies to retail their goods to a public that may or may not afford their products. Come January; many will be burdened with bills and debts to pay off. For some, it may take an entire year to resolve by which time, they do it all over again.

I admit it. I struggle in this season of mixed messages. Be thankful to those that did right by us, to welcome others, despite our differences, and love one another in celebration of our diversity.

I wish someone could reconcile my feelings. Does anyone have any ideas? I welcome your insights.

In the meantime, Happy Thanksgiving.

I’m Getting Lax

But really, am I getting Lax?

Alright, I admit it, I’m getting lax in writing to you. It’s just that I’m excited to get back into rejoining the human race, and going out with friends and family. While I am still recovering from my injury sixteen months ago, I’m down to the short rows in my progress. By that I mean, I’m probably back to 95% of what I was before my injury. It’s this last 5% that is getting to me. My progress slows the closer and closer I get to 100%.

getting lax in returning from my Post Concussion Syndrome

My doctors and therapists tell me, I may never get back to 100%. I won’t accept that. I will continue working hard to stop forgetting names, words, and concepts that are clearly visible in my mind, just not making it past my lips. Grrr…. And, I still have a constant, low-grade headache to deal with that gets me down at times. Rest assured, I’ll figure it all out. In the meantime, I’m enjoying getting back into the swing of things.

The Trafficking ConsortiumAlso, I am writing, though not at the pace I was when I had lots of free time on my hands. My followup book to ‘The Trafficking Consortium’ is well underway. It’s entitled ‘Perfect Prey.’ Anyone who has read the first book will understand the meaning of the title. The first draft is about 60% done, with lots of scenes that need integration into the overall story. Not to fear, I’ll figure it out. I also have a clear understanding of what the third book in the trilogy will entail. Unlike when I wrote ‘The Trafficking Consortium,’ which I expected to be a single, stand-alone novel, Avril’s story is evolving into a trilogy. I hope to finish it by the end of the holidays and begin editing it for real before turning it over to my editor for the heavy red-pen. 😉

More ideas

Plus, I want to finish these two books soon, as I have ideas for more normalized novels that don’t involve crime and punishment. Wouldn’t that be a change in direction? One might even call them romance novels, not that I have read any. I just like the snippets I’ve been writing and sharing with my female friends. They are encouraging me to take this turn, and I’m likely to do it.

In the meantime, sales of all of my books are doing well. I am thankful for the host of people out there who are reading my works. Please, consider writing a review. Good or bad, I enjoy reading them. Plus, they give me incentives to continue writing and refining my talents. Thanks, everyone.


Might I also suggest that you check out my online art gallery at maggicalExpressions. When I need to take a break, relax, and unwind, I tend to draw and paint. This gallery displays a collection of most of my favorite pieces. Let me know what you think. Most are available for sale, either as the original artwork or prints at a substantially reduced price.

So, overall, am I really getting lax? I kind of doubt it.

Have a great day and a better tomorrow.

Halloween 2017

Post Halloween

As many of you know, the Halloween holiday is my favorite one of the year. It’s a time when it is socially acceptable to dress up, appear in public, in garb that is otherwise inappropriate for everyday wear. This year, when it comes to costumes, I saw many new firsts.

Halloween Bunny OutfitI have many favorites, some pretty extreme. One outstanding outfit was a woman wearing a cape and shroud covering her face, and wearing nothing else but heels. It took me the longest time to figure out who she was. My favorite was going to work and sitting beside a co-worker as a full-blown witch, decked out in black and orange, tall pointed hat and matching shoes with the toes curled up and over the top of her feet. She wore foot-long fingernails and a hoop skirt. I can’t envision what it must have been like sitting behind the steering wheel of her car.

In case you’re wondering, I took on the persona of a speak-easy bartender from the 1920’s, including the garter sleeves keeping my white shirt out of the way when pouring drinks. I don’t wear a bow-tie too often, in fact, not much at all, but it was fun all around.

The holiday is now over, and I’m taking down my decor. The outside of my house joined the rest on the block as a drab, unremarkable home, utterly different from the haunted house look it was last week. I miss it already, but you know what? It’s a lot of work to set up, which would be easy if my neighbors appreciated it.

Jack-O-LanternsUnfortunately, it appears that they do not. I moved to this house a year and a half ago, and this is my second Halloween. Except for people putting pumpkins on their front stoop, only I decorated my house. The rest went through the season without even noticing its passing. I find it sad.

In my old neighborhood, I was one of the several homes on the block which decorated. Over time, my displays became much more outlandish. In case you haven’t figured it out, I’m not into cutesy decorations. I like the terrifying, horrendous displays that get people to talk about it to their friends and family.

In the past, I had a fishing theme, where skeletons fished in a pond, catching mermaids too hungry to ignore the tantalizing meal dangled in front of them. I’ve had a human meat market where a rotisserie roasted an entire human body with a smoke machine imitating the cooking process as fat drips onto hot coals and packaged meats available for purchase out from a meat counter. To a functional guillotine using a realistic blade dropping fast onto the neck of its victim strapped to the infernal machine.

Alas, those days are over. No one comes to the house to gaze upon the presentation, chat with the creator (me) and mingle among the elements of the display. It’s my own fault, I suppose. I now live in a 55+ community, and I do believe, I’m the youngest living here. I love my house, don’t get me wrong, but I do not like the neighborhood. But for now, I’ll deal with it. Besides, that means less work to set up my displays and more time to other endeavors, such as writing another chapter in my next book.

Speaking of which, I need to get back to it. In the meantime, have a great day and a better tomorrow.

Shocking but Happy Discoveries


I discovered something fascinating the other day, discoveries that shocked me, and made me very happy. It has to do with sales of my books, specifically, my printed versions.

Amazon had sent me an email regarding the royalties for my sales for the past month. Usually, I just delete them as they do not contain any specific information that I am interested in, other than a payout is coming. However, the format of one of those emails was different than the rest. I was intrigued.

Upon opening it, I realized that it was different than the standard fare, and denoted sales from an unfamiliar source. Digging deeper, I logged into my Amazon account and checked. Nothing. Huh?


Discoveries regarding paperback versions of 'The Trafficking Consortium'After following sales channel after sales channel, I was stymied. I couldn’t figure out who generated these sales. Amazon is good at identifying transactions. They just don’t offer the seller information on who the buyer is, that is without paying for it. They know how to make money.

After investigating all of the sales channels my books are available through, I checked one last source. A source where I don’t expect many sales, as it prices my books reasonably high, considering the costs of producing the book.

I realized that this email had to do with sales of my paperback versions. WhooHoo!


People are buying the hard copies of my books. What’s more, I dug deeper, finding that I had a spike in paperback sales back last January. I missed that.

What an honor. Sure, it’s easy to purchase and download an eBook and read it on your favorite eReader. But holding a book in your hand, smelling the paper and ink, and feeling its weight as you turn the pages, well that is entirely something else altogether. I know many a reader who prefers holding a real book as opposed to the electronic version.

Most sales were people buying the book ‘The Trafficking Consortium.’ I suspected that. However, I noticed that someone bought every one of my books on the same day. I’m astounded, pleased, no, happy. This one person is not the only one. I noticed several sales of all of my books over the course of the month. To be honest, I’m shocked but very pleased.


Thank you, everyone, for taking the time to read my books, including ‘The Taste of Honey,’ ‘Broken Steele,’ and ‘Her Client Trilogy.’ You don’t know how much that means to me. What can I say? You, my fans, are fantastic.

And, oh, by the way, thank you Amazon.com. None of this would be possible without you.

Sunday morning bad things

Hello, my fans,

True Blood cast, season 3I’m sitting at my desk, trying to figure out what to write to you today. I’m at a loss, and frankly, I may do bad things. Not really of course. I’m a bit tired and off my game. I went to a party Friday night, and of course, got home late. Slept well enough but as usual, my body woke me at it’s appointed time, as if I had to go to work. Rolling over, I finally fell back asleep for a couple of hours.

Getting up, I knew that Sunday, today, would be a busy day and the house was a mess. There were dishes in the sink, the stove was dirty, and the table covered with stuff that needed putting away. After making a cup of coffee, and rolling up my sleeves, which of course wasn’t there as I was shirtless, I dove in started with the dishes. An hour later, the kitchen was clean, and I was ready to move on.

Decorating for Halloween.

Halloween is my favorite holiday of the year. It allows me to express my feelings openly, which I often keep bottled up all year round. I don’t know why I love this holiday. To me, it makes light and eases the pain of the horror that exists in this world today. The idea of witches, goblins, ghosts, spirits (which I do believe in), vampires, and mischief causes my soul to sing.

It’s like the theme song from the HBO series ‘True Blood,’ written and performed by the band, A3. In it, there is a verse that I particularly like. It reads ‘I want to do bad things with you.’

Bad things

I do. With my girlfriend especially, I always want to do bad things with you. Of course, it’s the definition of the phrase ‘bad things’ that is of most importance. I’m going to rob a bank or murder someone. But I do like the sense of doing things that some may find displeasing. Just as long as I don’t commit violence on another person, at least without their permission, I’m good.

Today and this coming week will be a busy one. I intend to make the best of it. Lots to do at work. Lots to do at home. Add doctor visits and gym visits where I am striving to work off the weight that my meds of the past year graciously gave me, I hope to write some more. I’m not hopeful, but I am determined.

In the meantime, I hope tomorrow finds you better off than today.

This article came out a lot different than I intended. It came out better. Have a great one everyone.

Missing Persons, Human Trafficking


I recently received a review of my book, ‘The Trafficking Consortium’ a story about missing persons and human trafficking. As much as I love five-star reviews, this reviewer gave a single one, and I love it.

The Trafficking ConsortiumSo far, readers are on one side of the fence or the other. To date, there have been zero mediocre reviews. They don’t comment on the writing, the grammar, or other such vital issues regarding a book. They all write about the story, either it’s terrific, or they’re too horrified, denying to themselves to think it might be genuine. Awesome. People are reacting to my story. Nice!

The latest review states:

“I don’t think this crazy sadistic world needs someone giving them horrific ideas to make people even worse.”

And the one that especially makes me smile is:

“Hope and pray this is truly fiction since it made me sick to THINK that a human could treat another human this way. “

Missing Persons

I have to tell you. It concerned me to write this novel, but probably not for the reasons you may suspect. The concept of the story may seem so far out there that it couldn’t possibly be real. While it is a pure work of fiction, I hope and pray that the agency I write about, ‘The Consortium,’ does not exist. Yet, I fear that I am wrong. I honestly believe that they might be real.

Look at the evidence. Each year, thousands of missing persons disappear, forever. No trace of them is ever found. No evidence shows what might have happened to them. And this is just in America. Similar numbers per capita exist in every developed country on the planet. Horrifically, most of the missing are children. Since I won’t write stories involving children, I will keep my numbers to adults.

Adult Missing Persons by race

According to CBS researcher, Tanita Gaither, published May 9, 2013, in Atlanta Updated, “Of the 900,000 reported missing persons each year in the U.S., 50,000 are over the age of 18.” The chart breaks down the missing by race. It seems to me that none of us is immune.

Fifty thousand adults in America, gone. most are never found. The rate of the missing person incidence is growing, from 150,000 in 1980 to over 900,000 each year. Those figures are just those in the U.S. They do not include those reported missing overseas. I can say with certainty, that thousands more go missing and unreported to authorities. I can’t even fathom the 850,000 being children under the age of 18. I’m appalled.

In 2008, 481 British adults disappeared while abroad, and 401 in 2007 and 336 in 2006. (Carole Moore, ‘The Last Place You’d Look,’ [Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc. 2011.]

Where are they now?

Missing Person, Adult FemaleIn researching this article, I wanted to find an appropriate image or two to use supporting the evidence. I was astounded and perturbed to see the sheer volume of pictures of missing people, from all sects of life, race, gender, nationality, what have you. Google images using the tag ‘missing persons’ and you will discover yourself just how fucked our species is. God help us from ourselves.

What happened to them? Are they choosing to disappear? Do they not want to be found? If not, who is culling them from their homes? Were they kidnapped, stolen off the streets? Where are they? Are they dead? If so, where are their bodies? If they are still alive, where did they go? Are they, in fact, slaves for someone’s amusement? Are they bound servants, performing to fatten their owner’s wallet?

A Ring of Truth

While writing my story, I started looking over my shoulder, wondering whether I was being watched and followed. I can’t tell you how many times I debated with myself whether to finish the story and then again, to publish it. I may not fit their profile of acceptable prey, but I believe that if I get too close to the truth, they may want to remove me as a threat.

You may think I am crazy, but I cannot control my feelings. They just happen, and I would be a fool to ignore them. I’ll be honest with you. I am scared and you should be too.

It’s true, I fear that my story may have more than a ring of truth to it. I wrote the story with the idea that the Consortium only culls a few hundred people a year, out of the billions who live on the planet. Could I be understating the number? I hope I am wrong.

I’m not saying that an organization like the Consortium is out there, snatching people for personal gain and satisfaction. I just raise the possibility that there may be such a global outfit.


And still based upon the feedback I’ve received, I’m writing a sequel, to turn Avril’s story into a series. She is one such missing person, a slave to someone’s amusement, and is the main character and victim of the book. It is unlikely that anyone ever reported her missing. The Consortium is superb at covering their tracks. I told her story from her point of view, and at the end, she seemed to accept her new station in life. But did she?

Did she really accept a life as own property, to do someone’s bidding or suffer the consequences? Can she accept her new life as someone’s slave? Can she willing suffer anguish and even learn to do the same to others? Will she learn to torture and kill another human being? Her owner seems to think so, but will she really?

I can’t wait to finish writing her new story.

If you read the first book, you’ll understand why I’m calling the sequel, ‘Perfect Prey.’

Forgive me, audience


That’s right. I’m asking forgiveness. On Monday I published an article I wrote on Sunday regarding quotes that I admire. I wrote it Sunday and scheduled its publication for Monday afternoon.

I ask your forgiveness, as, like you, my audience may think the article was crude, crass, and inappropriate for the somber mood of the day. The article was meant to be light-hearted, indicative of something other than the mood of the country, and possibly the world.

Life changing

Las Vegas Massacre, the deadUnfortunately, life changed once again between those hours when a lone gunman sprayed thousands of high-powered bullets on a crowd of 22,000 people enjoying a concert on the strip in Las Vegas. He killed at least 59 at last count and seriously wounded another 500.

In my opinion, the act was committed by a coward who wanted to inflict as much pain and suffering as he could. He set up his killing stand from a distant elevated perch over 1,500 feet away. He planned and executed this attack over the course of many weeks, if not months.

My thoughts and prayers go out to the victims and the survivors who will forever be scarred by the experience.


I’ve been in shock since I learned of the attack early Monday morning. All thoughts of my previous article flew out of my memory, replaced with a kind of blank stare and need to do something, anything to be productive. I threw myself into my work. Suffering from a concussion-related injury, I went to the doctor for relief. While he helped my body heal, my soul is still in denial, outrage, and despair.

running for coverHaving just recently attending a concert in a sold-out venue of 49,000, I could only relate by imagining what I would do if the same happened at my concert. I was on the floor of a multi-purpose arena surrounded by tens of thousands. After the concert was over, it took nearly a half hour to get off the floor and approach a nearby exit. That was when everyone was leaving in an orderly way, still high on the positive vibrations of the performer, Paul McCartney by the way. I can’t even begin to imagine the chaos of what would have happened if those same thousands tried to run and hide, in panic. All of us trying to get out of the killing field I where I found myself.

What are we going to do about it?

The question I have for my country’s leadership is. When the fuck are you going to get off your asses? Will you find courage and tell the gun lobbyists to go fuck themselves and their money? When are you going to put people and country first? I abhor by my leadership’s behavior. I hate allowing their personal greed to outweigh the needs and wants of the people. When will you stop letting thousands die each year in senseless gun violence?

For the victims of the latest in a string of mass shootings, it is too late for them. Please, don’t let it be too late for your family; your brothers and sisters; your mother and father; and your children. Don’t wait until one of you die a senseless death because of some gunman takes out their pain on you.

You owe it to them, you owe it to your constituents, and you owe it to us. Pass a meaningful gun control bill now. Put all other concerns aside. Too many people have sensely died already. Will it take one of you to die before you do something? If that is what it takes, I’ll not sympathize your death.