Christmas 2018 Ornaments

My girlfriend suggested a new gallery which I call my Christmas 2018 Ornaments. They represent a few of my latest acquisitions to my ornament collection.

Click on the link to load the slideshow and see what I like.

Christmas 2018 Ornaments

Feel free to send me a comment or two. I will respond in a timely manner. Feel free to check out my books available on Amazon and other ebook retailers.

Thanks for taking a look.

Merry Christmas 2018

Wishing you and yours, my friends, family, readers and fans a Verry Merry Christmas 2018. And as for those that don’t celebrate it, and I know you’re out there, have a Verry Happy Holiday season.

Thank you for the support and love you all have shared throughout the year. You’re awesome.

Christmas 2018 gallery

Christmas 2018 gallery

Yesterday, I wrote about setting up for the holiday, which kept me from writing all that much. Here are results from a job well done in preparing for Christmas 2018, at least as reported by family and guests who stop by for drinks and conversation.

I can’t offer you a drink but I can say this. Click on the picture and enjoy the show!

Christmas 2018

In the holiday spirit and knowing you enjoy my stores, please share the love by sharing my Website  or Amazon author page  with your family and friends. Enjoy many hours of spirited conversation as you discover common interests.

Thank you for your love. I hope you had a great year.  Merry Christmas, happy holidays, and may the coming year bring you continued love and joy.

Writing during a Holiday Season

A Quick Update

Good day to you all, I’ve missed you. Writing during a holiday season is a challenge for sure. However, I can tell you that all of you, my readers, fans, friends and family alike, I think of you frequently day after day.

We came out of a four-day holiday in November, and I put it to good use, writing several chapters in my latest book, the sequel to ‘Perfect Prey,’ book 2 in the Consortium series. I’m excited about how this book is shaping up. more “Writing during a Holiday Season”

Botox plus Daith Piercing

Botox plus Daith Piercing

Wow, it’s been a month since I last wrote to you. Where has the time flown? A lot has happened, so let’s get right to it.

In my last entry, I wrote about my Daith Piercing. I got it to help deal with my chronic headache. While I tried to stay realistic and hope for the best and pray that it would help with my headaches, unfortunately, they persist. On the surface, the jewelry in my ear is not helping. However, I like it so it will stay. more “Botox plus Daith Piercing”

Daith Piercing

My Daith Piercing

Yesterday, I had a Daith Piercing done. I have other piercings, but after my initial ones, I didn’t know what I would get next. Fourteen years later, I got another one. Not for aesthetic reasons, mind you, but for health reason. Huh? You might ask. Well, this is my story.

miserable, in painHeadaches remain a problem. That’s right, while I haven’t written about my post-concussion syndrome issues lately, they persist. My loved one’s wish they could help, but no one is more frustrated about them than I am.

more “Daith Piercing”

Goodbye Summer

Goodbye Summer, Hello Fall

Goodbye Summer, hello fallOMG, today’s is the last day of summer, goodbye summer and hello fall. Autumn starts tonight. It’s the official time of year when the leaves change colors before dropping and the harvest comes in, while witches and spooks make their appearance.

I don’t know if I’m sad to see summer go, (yes) or know that Halloween is just about a month away. Goodbye summer, hello Halloween. more “Goodbye Summer”

Free Book

Get your Free BookFree book

Did you know? My book ‘Her Client’ is available for free. That’s right, this free book is yours to own your personal copy.

Click the book cover to get and read Jolene’s story today.

Yes, free. It’s my way of introducing myself and my books. All I ask is that if you like it, write a review and post it to your favorite bookseller or right here, on my website. more “Free Book”

Time is Limited

“Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma – which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition.” ~ Steve Jobs,

Your time is limited

I recently saw this quote subtitled “Your Time is Limited” by Steve Jobs. It’s one of many I found, but this is one that stood out and spoke to me.

I’m not an Apple fan, either in the computer or portable market but I respect the value these devices bring to the global community. I value Steve Jobs genius; if you can call it that. He definitely saw a market for his ideas, and he enjoyed converting his innovations into reality. more “Time is Limited”


Followers of the spectacularMy Followers and Fans

Good day, all of my followers and fans. You know how much I love and appreciate you.

I discovered something interesting a little while ago. I was updating my two websites, and maggicalexpressions when I uncovered a fact. On my main website, I have approximately 13,500 followers, and on my art gallery site, I have over 15,000 followers. WTF? I didn’t know this. more “Followers”