Nude Art Gallery

About my Artwork

While I have painted landscapes and still life’s, in my artwork, I prefer to draw and paint my favorite subject, the female nude. I can’t explain my passion for the beauty of half of the human species. I just know that the gift that Gaia our Mother Nature gave you is the most precious gift she could have given man.
Below, you will find a sampling of my favorite style of artwork. Many are my favorites, all of them I poured my very soul into each piece. A few were accepted into Juried Art Shows, and one won an award.
Though I’ve stopped submitting my work, and my drawings and paintings have taken a backseat to my writing, I still occasionally sit down and pick up a pencil or brush and create. It helps smooth my mind, allowing me to dream up scenes for my writings.
I hope I honor you with my representations, in which I pour my heart and soul in my creations.
Check out my full art gallery site of my artwork.