A Wild Couple of Months.
Yes indeed, it’s been a wild couple of months.

First off, sales of my latest book, ‘Retribution’, are doing well. Thank you all who spent their valuable time reading it, and all of my new readers who are reading the entire Consortium Series. So many of my readers wrote me the nicest comments about the book. Some wanted me to end the Consortium all together. Others were glad I didn’t, although they were delighted that I put the hurt on them. Yes, Virginia. There is a Santa Claus and there will be a book 7 in the series. I’ve already started writing it.
Complicating my life and adding more memories were a series of events that complicated my wild couple of months. As many of you know, we are deep into the holiday season here in the U.S. It starts with Halloween, then into Thanksgiving, then Christmas and ends with New Year’s Eve and Day.
For me, I was so fatigued that I had zero energy to do much with Halloween, my favorite holiday. I now live in a 55+ community and they mostly don’t celebrate it much. More to the point, no one goes trick or treating in my neighborhood, so what’s the point? Fortunately, this will give me ample opportunity to go to the various haunted houses, hay rides through the dark forests where ghouls and goblins live, and maybe a party or two. But, I just took a tangent.
Getting back to my wild couple of months, just before Thanksgiving (a national holiday) I came down with the flu. I recuperated over a week before I could go back to work. I got the flu shot in September, but apparently, it didn’t cover the strain of flu I caught. Since then, I know of others who came down with it. I even know someone in her 70s who caught the flu and transitioned into pneumonia. She is the nicest person and I hope she comes through it alright. It will take time. I know. I’ve had pneumonia many times, and I get vaccinated against it every ten years.
The Coup d’état.

I went back to work, and then my sister’s husband passed away. He was a really nice guy and her rock in life. I love my sister dearly. What could I do?
Since she lives very far away, I immediately booked airfare, hotel and a car to go see her. I spent three wonderful days with her and her broad of kids, spouses, grandchildren, nieces and nephews. Let’s not forget the two dogs.
We found some interesting similarities among ourselves. Like me, she enjoys vanilla flavored coffee made in her Keuric with filtered water from the Bria water filter. Like me, she doesn’t like to eat fish of any sort, except for shrimp, clams and crab. There are a few other examples.
While this was going on, friends from the other side of the country arrived to spend a couple of weeks with us. They arrived the day before I left to visit my sister. They go home today. It was nice to see them and spend time with us. Starting tomorrow, I will return to my routine… that is, until Christmas rolls around, when I will entertain a house full of friends and relatives. Then there is the obligatory New Year’s Eve party when we ring in the new year.
Suffice to Say
While I hope to write more for my new book, I will not push myself. I don’t write well when I’m stressed and tired. In the meantime, I will have a week to do something with it.
Merry Christmas to all and to all… a good night. Peace.
Comments Welcome
Please send me a note about what you think. I’m always interested in what my readers think of my stories. You will find a comment section below.
Gail December 27, 2022
To begin with the book is fabulous. It had so much excitement but left openings for more to be continued. Where will things lead, oh, so many questions to be answered.
That was a lot going on for you all at once. Being sick is not fun for anyone. I’m sure your friend finding that out and hope she recovers. Having company is a lot of work even when they are friends. Sincere condolences on the passing of your brother in law. I’m sure your sister was so happy to have you with her.
Hoping the new you brings you only happiness and good health.