After months of hard work, plenty of interruptions and numerous diversions, last night I finished the first draft of ‘Lucky Bitch’, the third book in the ‘Mona Bendarova Adventures’. Whoo hoo! ‘Lucky Bitch’ picks of about three months after the end of ‘Broken Steele’, which ended with Mona making the biggest decision in her life. A decision that will forever change the life she has ever known.
Of course, the book is not ready for prime time. Now comes the part where I reread it, edit it, cut and cut, and rewrite segments. I have a lot of work ahead of me but you know what? It’s a labor of love and I expect the work to go easily. After that, it goes to the editor and somewhere by then, I need a book cover prototype developed. Stay tuned!
To celebrate, I’m offering the first two books for 50% off for the month of July. Use the discount code: SSW50.
Mona Bendarova Adventures
- Book 1: The Taste of Honey
- Book 2: Broken Steele
- Book 3: Lucky Bitch (coming soon)
In preparation of the release of ‘Lucky Bitch’ download and read your own copies for 50% off. That’s just a $1.50 a copy.
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Don’t delay. This discount expires at midnight, July 31, 2016.
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Mona Bendarova Adventures Reviews
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